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浓缩消毒剂供应:Concentrated disinfectant supply
中国政府采购招标网 2020/11/17 点击数:597
欣肤佳消毒剂公司主要是生产固体浓缩消毒剂的企业,450g/每袋,按照消毒剂比冷水1:100的比例进行稀释溶解后使用,欣肤佳消毒剂是以过氧化氯为主要成分消毒剂,欣肤佳消毒剂的有效氯含量为50%左右,本品对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、白色念珠菌等有消毒抑菌作用【无三致】。欣肤佳消毒剂在自然环境中能有效地驱离蚊子、苍蝇、蟑螂和老鼠的作用,欣肤佳消毒剂同时对眼镜、防护面罩及防护服均有消毒抑菌之功效。 联系人:袁先生 E-Mail:907170227@qq.com 移动电话15927383819 固定电话0755-27187893 产地:广东 网址http://www.szxfjkj.com 浓缩消毒剂供应:Concentrated disinfectant supply Xinfujia disinfectant company is mainly engaged in the production of solid concentrated disinfectant. 450g/bag. Diluted and dissolved according to the ratio of disinfectant to cold water 1:100. Xinfujia disinfectant is mainly composed of chlorine peroxide. The effective chlorine content of xinfujia disinfectant is about 50%. It disinfects and inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus Aureus,E.Coli and Candida Albicans. Xinfujia disinfectant can effectively repel mosquitoes,flies,cockroaches and mice in natural environment. At the same time, Xinfujia disinfectant can kill and sterilize glasses, protective masks and protective clothing. Contact person: Mr.Yuan . Mobile: +86-15937383819 E-Mail:907170227@qq.com Telephone: +86-0755-27187893 Place of origin:Guangdong Internet:http://www.szxfjkj.com
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